Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jackson is here!!

Jackson Brady made his arrival on January 14th at 3:16pm weighing 9lbs and 12 ozs, 19.7 inches long. We were worried that he would be a 10 pounder so it was good we induced a week early. He is super de duper sweet and sleeps all the time. He is 2 1/2 weeks old now and is such a joy. The best part about it is seeing Emily with him. She LOVES her little brother so much and is so cute with him. She is always wanting to help and tries to hold him up even though he is still a little too big for her. Right now he has a little cold and is coughing and sneezing a lot, but the Dr. says it will pass. As of Friday he weighed 10lbs and 8ozs so he is growing :) Excuse the picture, the epidural worked REALLY well! So well that I could barely stay awake for the delivery and could barely sit up.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's Been A While :)

I don't really see how people stay up with this. I think about updating this, but then I get so busy I don't make time to update it. Things have def changed since last time I updated. We are expecting baby Shack #2, a boy we will name Jaxson Brady. He is due January 21st. I don't know if I will last that long he kicks and pushes so hard I really think he wants out already :) I wonder if this is a glimpse into the future if he is going to be a wild little boy. Brady of course was SO excited when the Dr. said it was a boy and I have to admit I was a little teary eyed. I'm not sure if it was because I wasn't going to be able to put bows on him or if it was because he was a boy :) I'm sure a little of both. Any how we are very excited about all the changes that are quickly approaching. Emily is VERY excited too! She doesn't want anyone to touch my belly and already says her baby brother Jaxson...ahhhh so cute! She talks to him and kisses my belly. I really need to get a picture of it, but I feel so big I'm not sure I want a picture :)

Now a little about Miss Emily :) She is going to turn 3 in January which is very hard to think about. She is definitly not a little baby at all which makes me a little sad to know that she is growing up so fast. This summer we conquered potty training and now its like second nature to her. We bought a new house in September and we are settling in. She has gotten new big girl furniture and loves it! A huge thing that I thought would never happen soon enough happened in October......NO MORE PACI!!!! It really happened at a perfect time. Rylee our dog who drives me nuts chewed up one of her paci's and of course she was SO upset, but we took this opportunity to break this bad habit. We told her there were no more. We had a very rough night, but after that she went to sleep like a champ. She actually still asks for it out of habit I think. When she gets tired she asks for her snuggly and paci. We remind her that there is no more paci and she moves on :) She really adjusts to changes very well. We are very blessed to have such a wonderful little girl. Here are some recent pics of us.

Emily as a fairy for Halloween. She was more interested in passing out the candy to all the trick-or-treaters than eating the candy :) SO cute!! This might be why I haven't posted in a while. This thing is taking forever and now the pictures are blurry :( Does anyone know why? I'll try to be a little better with this thing and update sooner than later.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Emily and her babies

Emily LOVES her babies and will spend literally hours putting diapers on and off..feeding them and moving them all around..she will pretend that they are hers. Today I was on the computer and so here she is playing with her babies..sooo cute!! She has spent 45 minutes covering them up, moving them on and off the wonder she is out the second she hits the pillow, she is wearing me out just watching her. I ask her if she wants mommy to have a baby and she says NO! I bet she will be a great big sis one day:) Enjoy the pics.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Okay so Emily is not very cooperative when I try to take pictures. I made this adorable towel wrap for her last night and I was so excited about it I almost woke her up at midnight to try it on her :) She is not a morning person as it is so I knew this would not be a good idea. So, this morning when I woke her up I was so we were changing her I showed her the towel wrap with a big smile on my face waiting for her thrilled reaction and needless to say she really wasn't interested at all :( In fact she didn't want to try it on at all and even when I bribbed her she says, "Nope"....please please I said..her reply as she is twisting "NOPE". Gotta love her.

Another funny thing Emily has been saying lately is "that's so sad". Brady and I look at each other everytime she says it because we know she has to be getting this from school because she doesn't hear it at home. Sure enough today when I picked her up, her teacher said, "So sad." She is such a funny girl!

Okay so this is SUPER FUNNY! Tonight we were getting her dressed...well I was getting her dressed and Brady was just anyway he threw a hanger into her closet and it scared Emily...she was like what was that. Of course Brady being the funny person he is said, "it was a monster!" How do you think Emily reacted? She was horrified...she got this scary look on her face and practically jumped in my lap. Poor girl...not such a smart thing to say before bedtime. So we tried to cover it up by saying it went night night, but she was still scared and it took her a while to give night night kisses to daddy. Serves him right trying to scare my poor little baby like that. This is not the first time he has done this and probably not the last.

Last weekend we were at La Hacienda Ranch eating in Frisco...mmmm so good...and as we were leaving Brady points out the life size if not bigger stuffed bear in the entry way and of course Emily freaks out and gets scared...I of course comforted her. The whole ride home Emily kept saying scary bear..scary bear. I didn't even tell her that, she came up with that all by herself. Poor baby, I'm surprised she didn't have nightmares.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Emily is growing FAST!

Emily is growing so fast and I want to share some of her funny moments with everyone! Emily Grace is 2 now and she has quite the personnality to say the least. She keeps us laughing everyday and we enjoy her so much. She has been the best gift I could ever ask for!

So, on to the funny stuff...I am going to tell a few stories about her that have happened in the last month or so.

Last weekend we ,meaning Brady, Emily, and I, were in the office. Brady and Emily were on the floor reading a book and I was on my Etsy account (so addicting) anyways, she wanted to sit in daddy's lap to read the book and she sticks out her bottom and scoots back to sit cute! Then after a few minutes she gets up and sits down next to him..then she says, "Daddy lap, lap!" Meanwhile she is motioning him to sit in her funny she was very serious too!

Emily has been saying coming all the time, but instead of the c sound she says humming. I try to pronunciate the c sound, but she still says humming :)

Lately, Emily has been really into animals and doing their sounds so every morning on the way to school she says elephant, elephant over and over. I just thought she was saying it just to say it even though I thought it was strange that she said it at the same time. So anyways, I noticed there was a vet on the way to school and it has a cat's face on the window and its tail no body so one morning when I realized this..I thought oh she thinks thats an elephant. The next time she said this I said, "Emily that's a cat." Her reply was, "No mommy elephant!" As she is saying this she is pointing her finger at me and her head is turned to the side a little. She was very serious. So cute I had to laugh. So no matter how many times I tell her its a cat she says no elephant :)

I will post more cuteness as it comes :)